I was recently in Germany for Navaratri. It was my fifth day. I was so happy! I finally found a place where everything is about devotion. Nothing is about ME; it is all about You. I was doing seva and had a thought that chocolate would be nice. There is no junk food here. I resolved to buy a candy bar at the airport when I left. Soon after I had this thought a devotee came to me and said Gurudev had left some tea, would I like some. Of course I said yes. We shared the tea and the devotee said, by the way, he left some chocolate too. Would you like some? I was so surprised. This showed me once again that all of my needs are simply taken care of; even the seemingly silly ones. Since meeting Swami Vishwananda, my life has become more than I could ever have imagined.I have been blessed on every level possible...