1 Jul 2015

Next Atma Kriya Yoga Teacher Training

We are happy to announce the dates for the next Atma Kriya Yoga Teacher Training! It will be from February 20 to March 4, 2016 at Shree Peetha Nilaya, Springen, Germany.

Send an email to teacher_training_2016 (at) atmakriya (dot) org if you feel drawn to be an Atma Kriya Yoga teacher and fulfill the following criteria:

1. Sri Swami Vishwananda is your Satguru
2. Have practiced Atma Kriya Yoga every day for at least one year

In the email, include the following information:

1. Your legal name and, if you have, your spiritual name
2. The name of your Atma Kriya Yoga teacher
3. The date you became a sadhak (student) of Atma Kriya Yoga
4. Country of residence
5. Language(s) you feel comfortable to learn in.

Please send this email no later than December 31, 2015!

The number of participants is limited.

Jai Gurudev,
The Atma Kriya Yoga Teacher Training Team