29 Jul 2009

Humility and divinity

Swami Vishwananda simplicity is well know from his disciples. A devotee told us :
"I first met Swami Vishwananda in a private home, where my family and I were scheduled to have an interview with him. As we climbed the stairs to the upper floor, a kind, young man wearing an Om Namah Shivaya T-shirt met us. We casually greeted him and brushed past him, as we were very excited and impatient to see this great holy man. As we opened the door to the interview room, we found that it was empty. It was at that moment that we, with shame, realized that the kind, humble man we had met on the stairs was none other than Swami himself.  This is one of the most striking traits of his personality: his humility and simplicity. He is very approachable and close to people, teaching us the lesson that we always expect God to be somewhere else and we fail to notice that humility and divinity are in the simple things within and around us".