11 Jan 2012

The Joy of Community Prayer

Exactly one year ago, on 11 January 2011, Swami Vishwananda hosted a little study circle in Mauritius (where he is again now) in which the importance of community prayer was looked at more closely, based on the teachings of a Russian Orthodox Saint.
To remind ourselves of the most important points we put together a summary that lists five key guidelines that pertain to spiritual community life when it comes to prayer. So in this sense it is first of all relevant for ashrams and similar kind of communities. However, even if you are a devotee or disciple who lives by yourself or with your family, you may find inspiring parts in the attached documents, as they contain important advice in how to approach prayer in general. .
Here are the five key guidelines as bulletpoints
(printed in a credit card size format one can have them always in a wallet to remind oneself).
Click here to access the "five community guidelines" in more detail.
We wish you that your prayer will grow stronger and stronger, day by day, and bring you lots of blessings and joy, joy, joy!!!