6 Mar 2014

Satsang in Belluno, Italy - March 5th, 2014

The Satsang last night was re-located to a larger hall due to the immense interest in the event, but in the end it was very crowded anyway. Only visitors who had previously registered were admitted. Unfortunately, all others had to be turned away.

At the beginning there was a performance by a veil dance group accompanied by a large group of drummers.

When the actual Satsang began, Swamiji explained the actual meaning of the word 'Satsang' = 'a coming together'. So this time he reversed the questions to the audience and asked them to sing some Italian songs as well.

Among other things, the question was later asked: "How important is it to have a Guru? Is it even necessary?"

'.... Who can help us when things are not going so well? Who will help us if we make a mistake? '

There were questions about karma, and whether you can escape divine justice.

All present were listening very attentively the whole time, always highly concentrated. The evening ended after several hours with Aarti.