11 Oct 2009

Darshan Vienna - Oct 10 - 2009

The location, where the Darshan took place turned out to be far too small. The visitors were divided in “shifts”, in order for everyone to be inside the room for a period of time. Swami Vishwananda gave a talk. Here’s an excerpt of what he said: “The mind cannot comprehend the heart!” The heart is much stronger than the mind and God can only be found within the heart (through bhakti). Example: A king sent his two sons to the best ashram. After years they returned and he is asking them what they learnt about the Self. The first one sings mantras and praises of the Divine. The second one only looks to the ground and weeps. In that moment the king said: This one, my second son, got a glimpse about the Divine. God is like the king in his palace: Someone enters the palace and in the first room is a well-dressed man. He is asking: “Are you the king?” He answers “No!” Like this it continues from room to room- but in the last one, in the 7th chamber the king is sitting on a high throne with royal household and in all splendour. So the visitor has nothing else to say. He knows that is he standing in front of the king. The same way it is with the experience of the Divine through the different levels (chakras), which become more and more “splendid”. Finally there is no more question, because all the questions only arise from the mind. The heart is experiencing God!
Naamdev- Springen