You can never love to much
When I first met Swami Vishwananda, I felt such divine love I wanted to be with that love as much as possible. At that time Swami visited the United Kingdom, where I live, only twice a year. Shortly after I met him, I was informed that Swami was scheduled to do a yajna ceremony in Switzerland and I decided to go.
According to my information the yajna was to be in the town of Locarno, Switzerland near a lake. I was looking forward to a lovely, relaxing weekend until I heard that the accommodations were to be in a cowshed! Undeterred, I managed to find a small hotel nearby. I boarded the plane to Zürich, the nearest airport, and from then on chaos seemed to reign. Somehow I missed the person who was supposed to pick me up, as well as the other people from London who were supposed to meet us at the airport in Zürich. They also missed their plane from London. I was forced to find my own way. Then I learned
that the yajna was not in Locarno but rather the town of Lugano. I finally found the right train to Lugano just in time to board. I had to change trains and finally get two different buses on my way to the correct place. Then I discovered that we were to go to the top of a mountain in a cable car to Swami Vishwananda’s yajna location.
Testing my determination, the confusion continued. I thought I was going to be beside a lake, but we were outside on a mountaintop and I was freezing cold. Someone kindly loaned me a blanket and gloves. Then, being uninformed, I missed the last cable car down the mountain to my hotel and was faced with spending the night on the cold mountain sleeping in a cowshed! To make matters even worse, my torch broke and I was constantly walking in cow dung. Not having an alternative, I spent a very uncomfortable night on the mountain and took the first cable car down in the morning to my hotel. That experience was not what I expected!
After a few hours sleep at my hotel, I awoke in a very bad mood. Nevertheless, I decided to return to the mountain at the scheduled time to receive Swami’s darshan. I took my mood and irritation with me and eventually left the group and found a quiet spot under a bush to lick my wounds like an animal might. As I sat there, all of a sudden I started hyperventilating and to my dismay could not control it. [A few years prior to my Swiss mountaintop experience I had written a book about hyperventilation and its link with many diseases. I considered myself an expert on how to control hyperventilation through the breath.]
As I continued to sit alone under the bush, I began to experience terrible pains around my heart and wondered if I was having a heart attack! I thought, I was supposed to be spending a quiet weekend beside a Swiss lake and not on a mountaintop having a possible heart attack! I knew the nearest hospital was hours away; what a way to die! Rarely one to cry, under the lonely bush I suddenly started weeping uncontrollably. A few minutes later the heart pain disappeared and I felt much better. During the pain and weeping, my whole being had become enveloped in very deep love for everything and everyone. The feeling was so beautiful that I got up from under the bush and walked around in a completely different state of consciousness. My new awareness was so overpowering that I found myself wondering if I would be strong enough to handle all the love I was feeling. I thought, How will I cope with everyday life in this state of consciousness? I asked Swami Vishwananda these questions. Characteristically, he answered simply, “You can never love too much”.
At the completion of the weekend, friends drove me to the Zürich airport to catch my plane back to the UK. The chaos of my travels to the yajna reappeared. We lost our way and, as a result, I missed my plane and had to pay a huge surcharge to get on the next plane. Still in the awareness of love I had experienced on the Swiss mountaintop with Swami Vishwananda, none of my weekend, travel trauma-dramas mattered anymore. Subsequently, I have no interest in relaxing weekends, per se, but only in experiencing the Divine Love Swami brings into my life and the lives of all those who meet him.
Madhevi – United Kingdom