25 Nov 2013

Darshan in Assam, India!

On the 20th of November Sri Swami Vishwananda gave Darshan for the first time in Assam!

 (The region marked in red is Assam)

Swamiji was invited by Deep, an Indian devotee living in Germany and a regular at Shree Peetha Nilaya, to visit his home state, to which Swamiji duly obliged.

(Deep receiving Swamiji at the airport) 

The day before Darshan took place, Swamiji was interviewed by the local Assam TV News station for a programme to be aired later the same evening. The interview with Swamiji ended up taking a full 30 minute slot on the evening TV schedule and those who watched said it was great!

The Darshan itself was very well prepared and all the devotees and attendees gathered waited patiently for Swamiji's arrival.

Here you see Deep and Pramod on the 'podium' delivering the opening welcoming speeches and recounting one or two stories and experiences with Guruji....

Until finally he arrived and began to sing beautifully, encouraging everyone to join in the bhajans!

Darshan went on for a few hours and all those that came and received his blessings spoke of the bhakti and love they experienced through Swamiji. They all asked Swamiji to visit them once more the next time he is in India and many felt inexplicably moved by their first meeting with Sri Swami Vishwananda.

And so here are a few more pictures and impressions from the first of hopefully many Darshans to take place in Assam. Jai Gurudev!