Dear All,
we had our first succesfull evening in Cologne with Ramayote. He did a great job, organizing very well a beautifull big room filled with 88 persons, came for OMH. Ramayoti planed to have 108 persons for the event, which is a divine number simbolazing also absoluteness. The sum of 108 is 9. When we add to the 88 participants , also the presence of our Masters - which presence were thruly there -, than we were 90 beings, that is also the sum of 9.
Around 1/3 of them enjoyed for the very first time OMH and were curious to hear about OMH but also about AKY, Mahavatar an Swamiji. Ramayti introduced the program with a presentation of a pilgrimage to India with Guruji. After this Dayakari and me spoke about OM and OMH and about the love which arice by regular practising of OMH. It was an immence powerfull sound filling the whole athmosphare with joy and love. We were very greatfull and we said thanks for the participants for the inspirering starts for our Tour. Tommorow we continue the tour for Bodensee, we have Flash Mob in Konstanz, than in the evening OMH in CH in Kreuzlingen.
Sorry for the bad English, late evening, we are quite tired just arrived in Dayakar's home after 3 hours driving, sending you the 2 photos and this short report with much Love,
Dayakari & Padmakshi
Next events will be:
Freitag, 13.09.2013 16.00 Uhr, D-78462 Konstanz, Münsterplatz 1
Samstag, 14. 09,2013 10:00 Uhr, D-78223 Singen, August-Ruf-Srt. 6
Samstag, 14.09.2013 16.00 Uhr, D-80331 München, Rindermarkt 1
Sonntag, 15.09.2013 16.00 Uhr, A-6020 Innsbruck, Rennweg 2 "Tiroler Landestheater"
Dienstag, 17.09.2013 17.00 Uhr, A-1010 Wien, Stephansplatz rechts vom Stephansdom