19 Mar 2013

Atma Kriya Teacher Training

Two weeks before Shivaratri, 39 Atma Kriya Practitioners came together to become Atma Kriya teachers. 

The course included teaching of the spiritual foundation of Atma Kriya, theory and practice of the techniques,  Atma Kriya practice together, workshop in small and big groups, days of silence and contemplation, personal introspection, OM Healing sessions and workshop, yagna, Satsang with Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda and much more...

The students came from 17 countries: Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan, England, Latvia, Dubai, Malaysia, Denmark, Portugal, Finland, Poland and Ukraine

We here in the centre could feel in which state they where: in the beginning excited, then concentrated, in silence, busy with learning and in the end cleansed by 3 days of Yagna performed by Swamiji. He also tested the new teachers before they received their certificates. Then, all of them were initiated as Atma Kriya teachers by Swamiji Himself during a special ceremony.