26 Nov 2012

We've got Peacocks! (part 2)

About catching the peacocks:

To catch the young peacock couple, Drishti had an idea after thinking about it for quite a long time: From the construction works here at the centre, we had some left-over steel boxes standing on the parking area. These would do as a trap. After speaking to Kalpit, who liked the plan, it turned out that he was a real "trapper" and was skilled in trapping ;-)

After talking to the residents in the neighbouring village, Watzelhain, who assured their assistance, we put the trap in one of their gardens, tied up the "trap door" with a knot and put some food in the box.

And behold - the little bit more trusting male peacock walked in without any drama the door could easily be shut. Heinrich (that's the name of that peacock) looked a little bit puzzled. Now Kalpit could easily grab him with a blanket and put him in a transport box. And off he went back home.

Catching our hen "Prinzessin" was a little bit more difficult. To trap her, we had to put a mirror in the box so that she would "think" that there are more hens in there.

The neighbours helped us and as they did their breakfast-tour through the gardens the next morning, Prinzessin was also "on board" (in the box). That had worked out quite well.

So now we had 8 peacocks!

After an adequate period of settling in, some of the peacocks were set free, one after the other. They now stayed around because the others were still in the aviary. In the evening they came back into the aviary to get fed.

Then, finally after Navaratri: Open doors and freedom for all of them. It was a great joy to watch them discover everything!
During dawn it is especially fascinating to watch them getting on the trees! At the moment they form some kind of "flock" - I think in springtime during the mating season this will change...

All 8 of them have chosen their favorite spots now, but Heinrich and Prinzessin are a little bit braver due to there "survival training" in freedom - they even choose trees a little bit further away from the roof of the apartment house.

When it gets windy they like to go into Naamdev's garage - to the displeasure of Naamdev - because of course they leave things behind there...

Another important appeal:

We are very happy that the animals now feel at home here and we hope that they get over the winter well. They are in the private area around the apartment house. Please understand that you can't go there.

Please, just wait until the peacocks - latest in spring - will expand their cruising radius and "go on the prowl" around the whole centre - due to their curiosity, surely they will then be seen everywhere and also land on some of the balcony railings.