18 Mar 2011

Vibhuti covering the walls

Swami Vishwananda was about fourteen years old and attending college, when He called me at work. “Do you know Aunty, today vibhuti has appeared in my room”? He sounded quite confused and didn’t understand what was happening. I told him not to worry, that we would visit his room with our family after work to see what was happening. When we arrived, everyone was amazed to see vibhuti covering the room and coming out of the walls. Everyone at first thought it was damp flakes coming from the walls themselves. An aunt who lived in the same yard tried to wipe the vibhuti off with a cloth but was unable to do so and felt dizzy. When she went back to her own house, the pavement in front of the door was also covered with vibhuti. Swami’s mother was shocked and surprised at what was happening. But soon after the appearance of the vibhuti, people came from the neighbourhood, surrounding areas and soon from all corners of Mauritius to see for themselves the miracles that were taking place.