Swami Vishwananda asked
Swami Vishwavijayananda (Pritala) to give a speech.

Pritala spoke about some of his experiences which he had with Swami Vishwananda. If you know Pritala, then you know that the way he talks is very enjoyable and sometimes funny. So it was last night. He spoke in a very lively and amusing way, also with some self-criticism about the "tests" wich he passed or failed.

Swami Vishwananda did not give any speech :-( but sung some enchanting Bhajans before he gave Darshan and afterwards as well.
This series of Darshans in the Christmas week was highly special and touching and we all know that this was an extraordinary gift! Thank you, Swamiji!
(You can watch the whole Darshan here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/darshan-live?)