2 Aug 2010


                          "I bow down"

to your Lotusfeet

"...In life one needs the blessing of a Guru!  ...the master carries the amrit, the nectar, even when you don't perceive it with the mind, but you do receive it!...
 Enjoy the nectar, enjoy the sweetness…"
Swami Vishwananda

Bow Down

This is how God becomes dust.
Touch your forehead to the earth,
bow down to the light in your body.
When the light within lifts up your head, crying
"Do not worship me, for I am you,"
bow down, bow down.
All around you, dripping with quietness,
flowers are doing this to rain.
The golden moth that lives one day
is doing this to flame.
The moon does it to the sun.
One breath does it to another.
Receive yourself.
Bow down and drink.
Be the mother of your heart:
this is how dust becomes God.
