23 Jul 2009

Happiness and security 5

The priceless gift one can get in one’s life is the grace of having a guru. By following the advice and guidance of such a man of God, we easily progress on our way toward the clarity as to who we are and why we are here for and where we are heading to. By taking his precepts to one’s heart one becomes more and more free inside. Less and less this evanescent creation affects him and even many desires yet to find their way from the depths of his heart cannot but only tickle him.  If you scratch the mosquito bite: of course the sting will burn with pain and affect the larger surface of the skin. The same is with desires: they will always try to entice you to play the “dance of illusion”, but it is up to you to play with them or let them go. If you refuse to make friends with them they will quickly go away. Slowly you learn how to detach from them and from the false identity as who you think you are. You are not the body, nor the mind; not the intellect or name and titles people like to attach to their chests like the war veterans their badges of honour or the navy officers the stars or the stripes on their epaulettes. The essence of what we are is not easily realized for our souls are covered with the mud of turbulent thoughts and restlessness which sprout from unfulfilled desires. When the static of our minds are quieted then slowly we begin to peek into the ocean of pure bliss and love which we really are. We are made of that bliss and love. 
related article: http://www.bhaktimarga.org/