22 Oct 2009

Ganesha and Hanuman

When Swami Vishwananda established the Shirdi Sai temple in Mauritius in 2002, he concentrated a lot on the construction of the temple and where to put which murtis. One night Ganesha and Hanuman appeared to him, both huge, and asked him to be placed in the temple as well. Swamiji said to them:” Oh, you are both far too big, there is not that much space.” Thereon the two shrunk to a smaller size and repeated their request. Swamiji said:” You are still too big!” This went on for a few times. Swamiji told us:” It was so funny, at the beginning both had such mighty voices, but the smaller they made themselves the higher their voices became.” In the end they were small enough when they asked again- this time with some sort of Mickey Mouse voice:” Do we now fit into your temple?” “Yes”, Swamiji answered, “now I´ll find a spot for you!” The next morning some devotees came to visit and they brought exactly the same statues in the same seize and posture in which they had visited him at night.
Kamalika, SA