22 Dec 2012

Visit of Lama Ngawang

Yesterday, a special guest visited Shree Peetha Nilaya for the first time!

Lama Ngawang from Nepal is a long-time friend of Yamunashree and Elisabeth from Switzerland.  Through them, he was able to meet Swamiji during his last private visit to Nepal two weeks ago.

Lama Ngawang founded a school for children almost 13 years ago and he does a lot of great charitable work, aiding children from poor regions of Nepal (Mustang) to obtain a good education and receive the love and care that they would probably not receive otherwise.

Swamiji and Lama Ngawang became good friends and shared many stories and teachings with each other, which consequently led to Swamiji extending an invitation for Lama to visit us here in Springen, if ever he passes through Germany.
And two weeks later, here he is!

Whilst his visit is a short one, as he has other obligations to attend to in Germany, Lama Ngawang shared with us that Swamiji has invited him to return next year for the official opening of Shree Peetha Nilaya, to spend more quality time with us. 

During his next visit he promises to create a Sand-Mandala for us and to speak a little about Buddhism and its culture.

We are all looking forward to it very much!