7 Jan 2012

Satsang with Swami Vishwananda

Who doesn't know all these questions "What is the meaning of life?", "How do I become self-realized?" and "What is personality?"...

The answers where unique and brilliant! Swami Vishwananda spoke clearly and briefly - sometimes he took his time to explain one matter - in all cases the power and clearness was awesome. Sometimes he gave us a little idea of his divine being which is hidden behind this wonderful, nice Swami from Mauritius.

There were many very interesting questions like "What happens to the soul in case of suicide?" Swami Vishwananda explained in detail that in this case the mind creates something like a dark cloud around the soul; the soul gets more trapped in illusion. It is a heavy energy wich is created and for the little soul-flame it's difficult to reach the light through this dark cloud. The soul has to do more things to go over this barrier.
The access to the Satsang was 20,- €, but the experience was beyond price. Rarely have we experienced Swami Vishwananda like that and were under the impression that in this year 2012 he loosened the hand break a bit...