25 Jun 2011

About Gayatri Devi

Krishna said in the Gita “aham Gayatri tvam mantra.” which means “Among all the Mantras, I am the Gayatri Mantra.”

oṃ bhur bhuvaḥ svaḥa

tát savitúr váren yaṃ

bhárgo devásya dhimahi

dhi yo yó naḥ pracodáyāt

Gayatri Devi is the creator (Brahma), protector (Vishnu) and destroyer (Shiva). She has all aspects of the creator, protector and destroyer in Her and all the weapons represent these Divine qualities, that we were just talking about. She is sitting on a red lotus, which symbolizes that She has the whole power (Parashakti). Her whip symbolizes the destruction of all the sins. Also the axe destroys the ego, pride and arrogance. She has a swan which symbolizes purity. It is the ultimate purity without any negativity, because She is the manifestation of Brahman Itself.

When you chant the Gayatri Mantra, it gives calmness to the mind and when the mind is calm, you will have peace


Five faces: Gayatri Devi has five faces, which symbolize the five elements. The whole Universe is bind by these five elements, but not everywhere it has these five elements in action.

Ten hands: She has ten hands, that are showing that She is ever ready to come to your help. The position of Her hands show “Don’t fear anything my children”. “I am a Mother. I am here always to protect you.” She will give you everything. Just by chanting the Mantra you will get everything what you want in life.

This yagna is conducted by Sri Swami Vishwananda and is dedicated to the Divine Mother in the form of Gayatri Devi. The yagna takes place over a period of 3 days and the first day is usually dedicated to the invocation of Gayatri devi by carrying out a kalash puja. Discourse about Gayatri devi is sometimes given by Swami. All participants take part in offering havan samagri and rice into the yagna kund whilst chanting the Gayatri mantra. All present receive the benefit and the blessing of both Gayatri Devi and Sri Swami Vishwananda.