13 Dec 2009

A lovely nighttime visit!

One night, I was awakened very suddenly to hear the door handle being violently rattled! I partially sat up and realised that this was really happening! Then just as suddenly, I saw Swami Vishwananda come into the room! He had come in an energy body. It's outline of light very clear to me as was the knowing that it was him and it was all o.k. and just relax. As his energy shape reached the side of the bed he bent down and materialised his hair so that I could touch it! It was soft and beautiful. Now guru's test their disciples.....I'm sure we all know that!....and he did some testing on me there and then. I passed as he then materialised his hands for me. He held them out so that I could feel the solidity and warmth of them. I had them to myself to kiss at my leisure. Joy! Then he put me to sleep again. When I awoke in daylight and went to the door, I realised the handle that he had rattled so noisily was now mended as it had been broken before his lovely nightime visit!. Jai Guru Dev!