27 Dec 2012

Merry Christmas!

We all wish you a very happy and blissful Christmas!

We had a lot of happy Moments with singing, praying, an amazing Christmas dinner together with Swami Vishwananda and several spontaneous Satsangs.

On the 25th December Swami Vishwananda performed a very touching Abishekam to Baby Jesus.

Merry Christmas!

22 Dec 2012

Visit of Lama Ngawang

Yesterday, a special guest visited Shree Peetha Nilaya for the first time!

Lama Ngawang from Nepal is a long-time friend of Yamunashree and Elisabeth from Switzerland.  Through them, he was able to meet Swamiji during his last private visit to Nepal two weeks ago.

Lama Ngawang founded a school for children almost 13 years ago and he does a lot of great charitable work, aiding children from poor regions of Nepal (Mustang) to obtain a good education and receive the love and care that they would probably not receive otherwise.

Swamiji and Lama Ngawang became good friends and shared many stories and teachings with each other, which consequently led to Swamiji extending an invitation for Lama to visit us here in Springen, if ever he passes through Germany.
And two weeks later, here he is!

Whilst his visit is a short one, as he has other obligations to attend to in Germany, Lama Ngawang shared with us that Swamiji has invited him to return next year for the official opening of Shree Peetha Nilaya, to spend more quality time with us. 

During his next visit he promises to create a Sand-Mandala for us and to speak a little about Buddhism and its culture.

We are all looking forward to it very much!

20 Dec 2012

Swami Vishwananda speaks about 21st December, 2012

What Swami Vishwananda said about 21st December 2012:

"So how many people do believe that the world will end in 2012? Eh, nothing will happen. Why do all of you have to concentrate on fear? Eh?  Every time.

You see, you are here, to live freely, to live to attain God, to be free! And then you run after all these predictions. If it is not 2012, it will be 2036, or 2021 or whatever... then you live in fear. Then it will come, okay, 2012, nothing happened, oh good, and great saints have taken upon them, and have saved humans. You know? But it is not like this. Why do you have to live on prediction? Why can’t you just live, freely? Why do you have to live in fear? 

Bother about now, be now, you are happy now. Live now, in the moment. Why do you have to worry for the future? Worry that you attain only Him, you know? That you should worry about, that you do everything to attain Him.

To worry about something that is not in your hand - why do you waste your time? You like to worry, eh? Humans love that, and then they say, “No, no, no, no, we don’t like to worry,” but then when you call them, and say, “Come, tell me,” they say, “Oh, you know, this is worrying me, this is worrying me and that is worrying me.”
(Excerpt from JUST LOVE – Questions & Answers, 2012)


"So it is the time where your inside is calling you, you see the world how it is changing. For sure everybody is asking “Why is it happening?” Some people say that in 2012 the world will end, which I always laugh about, but no. Nothing will happen in 2012. What has to happen has to happen here. The change has to happen within you and this depends on the now. If you really want that unconditional Love to awaken, you have to will it also, strongly. And when you do
that, of course, God from inside sends outside help also. He doesn’t leave you alone. He makes it easy for you."
(Excerpt from JUST LOVE 3, Journey to love)


On a question, if there will be a shift in consciousness and energy:
"Pray. You see, we are in 2012, no? Finally, this great year has arrived! So, we will see, in 2013, what happens. Some people say that at the end of 2012 it will be the end of the world. Good. It’s nice, no? If it is the end of the world, you will get mukti, which means heaven will be packed full (audience is laughing).
And, ‘a shift of consciousness’, well, for the shift of consciousness to happen, you have to work on yourself, no? You can’t sit and wait, and say, “Okay. I don’t need to do anything!” At the end of the year the world will change completely, there will be a shift of consciousness so I will become a saint! If it was so easy, the yogis would say that it doesn’t matter. No. It all depends on nowhow much you change yourself. Whether there will be a shift of consciousness or not, whether it will be the end of the world or not, it depends on you now."

"Some people say that in 2012, on 21st of December everybody will become   enlightened. If it was so easy, I would tell you, “Just sit down,” you know?  “Don’t do anything.” You don’t need to do anything if you will be enlightened, no? 
If it was so easy – the saints are meditating, the saints are chanting Divine Names, just to get His grace, and if you just think that on the 21st of December, 2012, God will just say, “Okay, I am merciful today. I give it to everybody,” like that... hey, you will not be able to handle it. You will go crazy! You will find nothing will happen in 2012. And if you really want something to happen, if you really think
that you will get enlightened or whatever, you can attain His Grace on the 21st of December, and if you strongly believe in that... start working from now, on. Strongly. You will, probably, attain His Grace. But then if you feel that in 2012 the world will end - well sadly to say, no, it will not end, but probably. Because if you think so intensely in that, it will be the end for you. Maybe you die. It will be the end of something."

"But one thing has changed: many more people are on the spiritual path. That is good. Many people are searching for something more in life, because, you see, the outside world has its limitation, it gives you limited happiness. If you want that limited happiness, you will be happy only for a short while. If you want real happiness, you have to dedicate yourself. You have to do your sadhana, no? 
I said this about the crisis in Serbia. Well there are crises - not only in Serbia, but everywhere. That’s why I said, “Pray for your country.” Not only for oneself, but pray for the country itself. And make people pray for the country, it is important."
(Excerpts from JUST LOVE, Questions and Answers, 2012)

11 Dec 2012

In the Presence of a Teacher - Swami Vishwananda talks about Darshan

Excerpt of a speech from Sri Swami Vishwananda about Darshan:

"It’s the same: to be among the Teacher, even if the Teacher doesn’t even look at you or talk to you, you always receive something. You always receive because your soul is immersed with the Love of God.
This Love has everything into it. Always people say to me “Well, I want to talk to you.” You know about it, huh? “I want to have a small minute with you...” And well I say “Later, later.” Sometimes later doesn’t come so quickly!
But you know when you come for darshan what you receive is much more than what your mind understands. What you are given just may seem a touch for you, but is much more than what you can talk about, because the talking is limitation. Even if you are bound by these three things: the mind, the matter and the spirit are like three strands of a rope, you know. 
What you receive during darshan is the infusion of the knowledge inside of you, but for that you have to calm your mind. That is why I always say “Calm your mind. Open your heart.” 
Until your heart is not yet fully opened, until you have not come to this quiet state of yourself, you are still searching. But search not outside, search inside of you. Try to calm your mind. Try to go inside of you. You will see what you have received."

4 Dec 2012

Swami Vishwananda celebrates Tulsi Vivaha

OM Tulsayei Vidmahe
Vishnu Priyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Vrinda Prachodayat

On Sunday last week, Swami Vishwananda celebrated a  special ceremony for  Goddess Tulsi called Tulsi Vivaha, which commemorates the marriage of Tulsi Devi and Vishnu, or in this case Krishna. Tulsi Vivaha is celebrated on the 11th day of the bright half of the lunar month of Kartik. 

27 Nov 2012

In the spirit of Saint Nicholas

On the 6th of December we honour St. Nicholas.

As all of you surely know, St. Nicholas lived in present-day Turkey as a son of very rich parents. His parents died early. He found no joy in his life – nothing satisfied him or made him happy.

One day he secretly went outside of his palace and met the beggars – now he knew what to do: he sold all of his possessions and gave them what they needed! This giving satisfied him and made him happy!

As by the example of Saint Nicholas we would like to do the same at the suggestion of Swami Vishwananda.

That is why we would ask you to:

Please bring a gift to Darshan on 29th of November or 1st of December which then will be passed on:
  • Gingerbread, Chocolate, Nuts, Apples ... (the traditional St. Nicholas treats)
  • Warm Gloves, Socks, Scarves and Hats
We have placed a Christmas tree in the entrance hall under which you can lay your gifts.

On 6th of December we then will share your gifts with the people in need and several aid organisations in the area around Springen. The treats will also go to two nursery schools in the neighbouring villages.

Of course you can also find places in your neighbourhood where hungry people meet and can help (by the way not only on 6th of December) as exemplified by St. Nicholas!

The joy that we create by such giving doesn’t only warm the heart of those who receive the gifts but also nourishes and warms our own heart! It feels wonderful!

26 Nov 2012

We've got Peacocks! (part 2)

About catching the peacocks:

To catch the young peacock couple, Drishti had an idea after thinking about it for quite a long time: From the construction works here at the centre, we had some left-over steel boxes standing on the parking area. These would do as a trap. After speaking to Kalpit, who liked the plan, it turned out that he was a real "trapper" and was skilled in trapping ;-)

After talking to the residents in the neighbouring village, Watzelhain, who assured their assistance, we put the trap in one of their gardens, tied up the "trap door" with a knot and put some food in the box.

And behold - the little bit more trusting male peacock walked in without any drama the door could easily be shut. Heinrich (that's the name of that peacock) looked a little bit puzzled. Now Kalpit could easily grab him with a blanket and put him in a transport box. And off he went back home.

Catching our hen "Prinzessin" was a little bit more difficult. To trap her, we had to put a mirror in the box so that she would "think" that there are more hens in there.

The neighbours helped us and as they did their breakfast-tour through the gardens the next morning, Prinzessin was also "on board" (in the box). That had worked out quite well.

So now we had 8 peacocks!

After an adequate period of settling in, some of the peacocks were set free, one after the other. They now stayed around because the others were still in the aviary. In the evening they came back into the aviary to get fed.

Then, finally after Navaratri: Open doors and freedom for all of them. It was a great joy to watch them discover everything!
During dawn it is especially fascinating to watch them getting on the trees! At the moment they form some kind of "flock" - I think in springtime during the mating season this will change...

All 8 of them have chosen their favorite spots now, but Heinrich and Prinzessin are a little bit braver due to there "survival training" in freedom - they even choose trees a little bit further away from the roof of the apartment house.

When it gets windy they like to go into Naamdev's garage - to the displeasure of Naamdev - because of course they leave things behind there...

Another important appeal:

We are very happy that the animals now feel at home here and we hope that they get over the winter well. They are in the private area around the apartment house. Please understand that you can't go there.

Please, just wait until the peacocks - latest in spring - will expand their cruising radius and "go on the prowl" around the whole centre - due to their curiosity, surely they will then be seen everywhere and also land on some of the balcony railings.

Pictures from India-Pilgrimage with Swami Vishwananda

Somewhere between Kolkata and Varanasi: 

24 Nov 2012

We've got peacocks!

Some of you already know, but we haven't really made it public yet. We've got peacocks!!! Real, beautiful Indian peacocks, which give a new mystical touch to our centre, Shree Peetha Nilaya.

After a first adaptation phase of several weeks our peacocks (4 cocks and 4 hens) are able to move around freely now. That's why we would like our guests to pay attention to the following:

  • The animals are quite trusting and let themselves be fed, but are jumpy if you move too quickly.
  • In the dark, they are completely blind - to protect themselves from foxes and other animals, they fly over to the trees at dawn and sleep on the branches (please never disturb them there).
During late summer, the male peacocks lose their beautiful feathers (about 150 per peacock) and during winter, new feathers grow, ready for mating season in spring. So in case you wonder, they are just growing :)

Here, you can read how we got the peacocks:

Some time ago in a conversation, Swamiji mentioned that he loves peacocks very much. Last summer we spontaneously had the idea that it would be nice to have some peacocks.

Mataji Drishti asked Guruji if she should take care of that and he immediately answered  "Yes, go for it".

Girikumarananda and Maksym built a shelter for them, because it was clear that they would have to be kept in a closed area for about 2-4 weeks before they could roam freely.

At the same time, we searched the internet and found a one year old hen (princess) and a cock of the same age.

This was a few days before Guru Purnima. On the morning of Guru Purnima, there was a big peacock egg laying in the straw! What a delight... (unfortunately the hen was too excited to breed in peace).

Later on, 6 more peacocks came (3 hens and 3 cocks) from an outdoor restaurant, all spoilt by cheese cake but also quite cool and trusting!

After 3 weeks, the first couple of them was set free and... one day later they had disappeared 
:-( So that had been too early!

Several weeks later, we heard about them grazing through the gardens in the next village and being fed by the residents there.

Swamiji said "Make sure to bring them back!" That was a real challenge - as it isn't very easy to catch peacocks in the nature!

To be continued...