29 Sept 2012

Swami Vishwananda visits the Maa Temple in Jo'burg

Dharmananda wrote from South Africa: 

Guruji was visiting the Sri Devi Karumariamman Temple in Johannesburg. The priest asked him to give a speech after the Abishekam and Bhajan singing were finished: 

...give up all negativity and let it go. Only with a clear mind you can recive the full blessing from the Divine Mother. 
In case you feal jealous, the divine Mother will make this feeling stronger. Out of this reason it is important to pray with a clear mind...

The priest did not let Guruji leave and asked him to give Darshan, it was very touching! 

Jai Maa!

Checking the Recordings

Latest news from "Master Max" studios:

Swami Vishwananda is checking the sound with Dhanam Jay...., 

looking satisfied?

28 Sept 2012

Sudarshana Mantra

For some time now, we have been reciting the Sudarshana mantra in the Temple after every Prayer: 
 Sudarshana Mantra: 
Om Kleem Krishnaya Govindaya Gopi Jana Vallabhaya 
Paraaya Parama Purushaya Parakarma
Mantra Yantra Tantra Aushadhari Shastrani
Samharaya Samharaya Mrityor Mochaya Mochaya
>Om Namo Bhagavate Maha Sudarshanaya<
Dipti Jwala Pritaya Sarvadiye Shobhana Hum Phat 
Parashmai Parabrahmane Paramjorshey Swaha

Lord Sudarshana is one Aspect of Vishnu which is found in the discus (chakra) which he holds in his right hand.

This effective mantra helps to relieve oneself from unexplainable sufferings and worries. You will get empowered with positive vibrations by reciting it and unforeseen dangers will be removed from your path. 

It is said that Lord Sudarshana / Narayana removes all sins and shows the path to lead a better life. 

In the war field, this mantra was given to Arjuna by Lord Krishna. By chanting this Mantra, Arjuna decided to win the war at any cost. Whatever sins which were holding him from reaching his target vanished. As God himself has suggested, this Mantra can also be adopted in our daily life.

27 Sept 2012

CD Recording with Swami Vishwananda in Johannesburg

Today, Swami Vishwananda is recording a new CD in South Africa. Below, the e-mail from Dharmananda who is there with him:

Hare Rama!!!!
Live from Jo'burg Studio...
On the right, Guruji singing beautifully Hare Rama....
On the left, Swamini Vishwamohini and the back-vocals...
In the middle room in front (you can't see), the harmonium and tabla.
Guruji is in a happy mood, all is flowing nicely.

26 Sept 2012

Darshan with Swami Vishwananda in Johannesburg, South Africa

Swami Vishwananda liked the beautiful Ishwar Temple in which the Darshan took place very much. During Darshan, he said that we should not only see the temple on the outside, but also the temple inside of oneself.  

 Here is a picture of the beautiful Ishwar Temple in Johannesburg:

23 Sept 2012

Swamiji and Mahavatar

A moment between Prayers, Darshan, Satsang....

Darshan with Swami Vishwananda - September 2012, Springen

Swami Vishwananda gave Darshan last night. With all his love and a lot of patience he had an open ear for all the worries and needs of the people and blessed them in his loving way.

Toyoko was singing a japanese song or prayer in a rythmic "rap" way, very powerful and extraordinary.

Swamini VishwaLakshmiAnanda Maa did the Aarti in the end - what a lovely smile they have for each other! 

22 Sept 2012

Satsang with Swami Vishwananda - September 2012, Springen

Last night there was a wonderful Satsang with Swami Vishwananda. 

There where a lot of wonderful questions, and some of them Swamiji understood in a loving, funny way.
It was a very interesting evening with some laughter and a lot of wisdom! Thanks Swamiji! 

21 Sept 2012

Sulalitas Voice Lessons

"The voice is Life's wonderful gift. An expression of our soul, character and a powerful medium to convoy our message of love."

As you all know, encourages Swami Vishwananda us all to sing for God. Here is a wonderful chance to learn a bit more about your voice and how to express your love towards the divine.

Sulalita is back and offers to give voice lessons: 
(she is such an amazing teacher and helps so much to find a way to sing for god) 

Saturday, 22. Sept,  
from 10:00 till 13:00 and  
from 14:00 till 16:00
in the big temple.

The Voice lessons take place in open groups, whoever wants to come is invited. 
Costs: We kindly ask you to give 10,- € minimum per hour, a donationbox will be on site.

18 Sept 2012

Sunrise in Lanzarote

During the last night in Lanzarote, a small part of the group went up to the highest point of the island. There is also a small church there. They meditated there 'til the sun rose. 

17 Sept 2012

During the course in Lanzarote with Swami Vishwananda

There were also some other activities with Swami Vishwananda going on alongside the course:

The teacher arrives "Good Morning!"

 ...some Seva...

... and a Birthday...

... and time for some personal talks with devotees...

Course in Lanzarote with Swami Vishwananda

Here are some pictures from the Element course which Swami Vishwananda gave on the Island of Lanzarote.

Swamiji explains one of the secret Mantras to the group. 

Then everybody looked for a place to meditate, inside the volcanic crater..

...and at the sea side (or in the sea!) ...

 ... and also inside a cave ... in total darkness...

It was a very intense week - everybody was blessed with Swami Vishwananda's wisdom and love and experienced intense meditations.

11 Sept 2012

Extensive Update from Lanzarote

 In the end of the elements course in Lanzarote, Swami Vishwananda cooked for everybody.
It was somehow a challenge because there were no big pots and there were about 50 guests - but in the end it worked and everybody was happy.

Afterwards, Swamiji went through the volcanic fields for a walk.

It was a really nice week for the participants. They experienced very deep meditations on the different elements as Swamiji gifted them with a bit of his universal wisdom and love...

On Sunday there was a bus trip with all the participants from the second course. We went all over Lanzarote and Yamuna explained a lot of things to help all undertsand the nature of this volcanic island.

We went to the north where there is a long cave in the form of a tunnel (Jameos del Agua) which has a lake inside. Then we continued through the whole island with some stops to go for a swim at a black pebble beach. (not so easy for our feet)

In the evening we had a wonderful sunset dinner at a restaurant with Swamiji

Now the 2nd course has started - the group is totally in silence, there is only meditatation and studying the whole day - very intense!

6 Sept 2012

Photo from Lanzarote

Another picture of Swamiji from Lanzarote

5 Sept 2012

News from Lanzarote

A short message from the ongoing seminars with Sri Swami Vishwananda in Lanzarote:

Everything is going well. We have a very good group, a wonderful seminar house and we are spoiled by the great team hosting us: David, Ulrike, Thomas & Co.
We are covered in glorious sunshine so far and all is going very well.

Best regards,