30 Aug 2012

Karma Marga or Bhakti Marga?

Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Sathya Narayana Dasa arrived here at Shree Peetha Nilaya.

Sri Swami Vishwananda welcomed him very heartfully. They went on a walk through the center and also visited our Tulsi greenhouses. 

After the evening prayer, Dr. Sathya Narayana Dasa gave a talk about how it is to follow the way of "Karma Marga" or "Bhakti Marga" in your life. (Way of Karma or way of surrender).

27 Aug 2012

Last Sunday morning

Here are some picturs from last Sunday during prayers in the Temple:

When the prayer ceremony was finished, we sat together with Swamiji and meditated for twenty minutes - what a blissful time...

Guruji is back here!

Yesterday, in the late afternoon, Swami Vishwananda came back home from his trip.  

We are very happy to have him here again. It makes such a difference when he is present here!

24 Aug 2012

Satsang with Dr. Satya Narayana Dasa

From the 29th 'til 31st of August, Dr. Satya Narayana Dasa will be here, at Shree Peetha Nilaya, visiting Sri Swami Vishwananda. There will be lectures in Shree Peetha Nilaya at the following times:

Wednesday 29th August 18:30 - 19:30  "Karma and Free Will" 
Thursday 30th August 18:30 - 19:30 - "Bhagavad Gita"
On Friday during the Darshan (around 21:00 - 22:00) the topic of his talk will be: "Effects of Mantras on the consciousness and the world."

Dr. Satya Narayana Dasa is the Director of Jiva Culture from Vrindavan, India.
He conducts classes on ancient Indian sciences for scholars from around the world, and has initiated a program for preservation, translation and publication of ancient Indian works of science and wisdom (to read more click here: http://culture.jiva.com/faculty.asp). 

11 Aug 2012

Krishna Retreat with Sri Swami Vishwananda

Since yesterday afternoon, the Krishna Retreat is taking place in the tent. Swami Vishwananda read excerpts from the Srimad Bhagavatam and explained and interpreted some parts in great detail.

First, the various incarnations of Lord Narayana were discussed and later Krishna's life was analysed in great depth; with many important, small details and their deeper meanings explained!

It is a very intensive course - often Guruji pauses his talk with a bhajan in between. Everyone is very attentive, listening to every word that leaves Swamiji's mouth.

To loosen up, some scenes from Krishna's life were enacted, such as Yashoda catching Krishna stealing butter:

After a fierce battle, Krishna defeats the snake demon Kaliya:

Here is the acting team:

9 Aug 2012

Evening Prayer with Sri Swami Vishwananda

Swami Vishwananda at the first evening prayer in the new Temple

On this occasion we would like to ask you:
  • Please dress appropriately (women should wear a sari or a long skirt; covered shoulders and cleavage; men please wear long trousers or a dhoti)
  • Please switch mobile phones off
  • Please do not take any pictures
  • Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed in the temple! (We want the carpet to stay new and beautiful for a long time (a small bottle of clear water is allowed, if necessary)

Generally, we want to ask you to consider that during a visit to the Centre - even in mid-summer - you are visit a spiritual center/ashram where monks and nuns live. Please behave and dress accordingly. (No mini skirts, shorts ...).
Thank you very much!

8 Aug 2012

Lakshmi Narayana on the New Altar

Yesterday morning, Swami Vishwananda disappeared in the new temple for some time. 

Newly installed Lakshmi Narayana

Later we understood what he had been doing, as we were called to take part in the final Aarti to the two wonderful new Murtis which he installed.

7 Aug 2012

Swamiji made a surprise visit

Last Thursday, 2nd August, devotees from the UK got together as usual for the Purnima (full moon) Abhishekam at the Bhakti Lakshmi Narasimha temple in Feltham. As we waited for the ceremony to start, little did we know that we were about to be joined by a very special guest!
Just before the abhishek was about to start, the door opened and in walked Swamiji! The look on all our faces was priceless - absolute shock and delight. What a wonderful surprise! And what a wonderful abhishek it was. The energy during abhishek is always very powerful but it was even more special with Swamiji there. Thank you Guruji for the best surprise ever!

New Altar

Yesterday, Swami Vishwananda examined the new Altar and gave his input about where the murtis should be placed. 

Before the set-up of the whole construction, some small corrections were made.

6 Aug 2012

Travel Share

On the Bhakti Marga Webpage we have set up a service with the help of which you can find a place or share your car with more people to reach Shree Peetha Nilaya. This makes it a bit easier for others to get to the centre.


Please don't be shy to offer a place in your car.
To get a lift, even from Wiesbaden or Frankfurt is already a big help for those who come by train, for example. 
You can also join together and rent a car from the airport (or share a Taxi).

There is, of course, the possibility to use the Travel Share list the other way around: to ask for a place in a car....

So: If you come here (or go back home) and know approximately the date/time, please use the page and fill out the form.

5 Aug 2012

New Altar

Parrallel to the preparations for Krishna Janmasthami, there is also a lot going on in the lighthall since a few days: every day, under the eye of Gitanjali, a lot of helpers, are painting the new altar for the small temple.

 Everybody is helping!

Gitanjali paints the middle part with the Vaishnava Tilak

Swami VishwaKeshavaananda is measuring the place for the Krishna house

In the middle part there is Garuda and Hanuman!

Today, after everything has been painted and the lacquer has dried, the Altar will be built up in the temple.