29 Oct 2011

In Finland with Swami Vishwananda

We got some pictures from Finland:
Yesterday there was a Mudra Course given by Swami Vishwananda.
Afterwards there was a Temple inauguration. The statue (Murti) of Kanchi Kamakshi Devi was fixed on the altar and the inauguration Puja and an Abishekam were performed.
Her name is:
Shree Sarva Roga Hara Kamakshi Devi
Welcome in Finland, Maa!
(Kuru, thanks for the pictures!)

Darshan of Swami Vishwananda

Swami Vishwananda received a warm welcome in Finland. He gave a mudra workshop and a darshan in Helsinski.
Swami Vishwananda talked about the happiness inside of ourselves. Please click here for more:

28 Oct 2011

Swami Vishwananda in Finland

Swami Vishwananda installed a Murti of Kanchi Kamakshi in a new temple in Helsinski.

27 Oct 2011

Swami Vishwananda celebrates Divali

"...Divali is celebrated in India as the Festival of light. Rama was returning from Lanka where he killed the demon Ravana. When he came home, all people celebrated this victory with lighting lamps. It means the victory of the positive.
Divali reminds us about our inner light, the light that banishes the darkness of the mind.
The inner light attracts even more then only positivity - it attracts the Lord himself!
This is what Divali means: Awaken the inner light and let it shine inside yourself!
...Lakshmi removes the darkness and shines inside of you. She gives spiritual wealth and gives whatever pleases the devotee. She gives as much as the devotee is dedicated. If you surrender 100%, she reflects it!
Pray to Goddess Lakshmi that she, in her motherly love, carries you, handles you and looks after you always!"

26 Oct 2011

Lakshmi Kubera Prayer by Swami Vishwananda

On Monday night Swami Vishwananda performed a ceremony for Lakshmi-Kubera.
Swami Vishwananda said: In the Hindu tradition, Kubera is regarded as the god of wealth. Lord Kubera is also known as the god of yakshas (savage beings). Kubera is always remembered with the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi. Chanting of the Kubera Mantra blesses the worshipper with money and prosperity by drawing new avenues and sources of income and wealth. The Mantra of Kubera helps to increase the flow of funds and the ability to accumulate wealth.
One Kubera Mantra is as follows:
"Om Yakshyaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaaya Dhanadhanyadi Padayeh
Dhana-Dhanya Samreeddhing Me Dehi Dapaya Swaha"
Meaning of the prayer: Kubera, the lord of yakshas, bless us with wealth and prosperity. One who worships lord Kubera and Lakshmi can never fall short of money and material comforts. The special puja of Kubera is performed on Dusshera, Dhan triyodasi and Deepawali, asking for prosperity and blessings.

24 Oct 2011

Visit of Anthony Kiedis by Swami Vishwananda

Last Friday afternoon, Anthony Kiedis (the lead singer of the "Red Hot Chilli Peppers") came for tea to Sri Swami Vishwananda. He is currently on tour and gave a concert later that evening in the Frankfurter Festhalle.
It was a relaxed and warm encounter, Anthony was very friendly and open. He came with his friend Beth Jeans Houghton, who has her own band and also makes wonderful music.
He visited the Hindu temple and also the chapel and when he stepped into the art atelier, he asked one of our icon painters, Rajani, who she was painting and in her excitement she first couldn't remember the name of the Saint. It was a very funny and sweet moment.
Before Anthony's departure back to Frankfurt, Swami Vishwananda gave him (amongst other things) an icon of the Divine Mother.
Here is a video of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers from summer 2011 which we especially like:
And here something to listen to of the works of Beth Jeans Houghton, very tender and beautiful:

23 Oct 2011

Darshan with Swami Vishwananda

Last night, a Darshan with Swami Vishwananda took place.
There was a very touching atmosphere. Swami Vishwananda spoke about the power of prayer and the deep connection to God.
He led a meditation which let us personally feel the deep love of God and also to feel and expand this love for God inside of ourselves.
Swami Vishwananda was sitting on a stage, so that everybody could see him.

20 Oct 2011

In September 2011 Swami Vishwananda was in Kenya where he ordained a new Swami.
For more please go to: http://vishwananda-blog.blogspot.com 

15 Oct 2011

Shirdi Sai Maha Samadhi

Today is Shirdi Sai Baba's Samadhi (1918).
We celebrate this day from about 1 pm on with a Maha-Abishekam and a Yagna.
The following pictures with Swami Vishwananda are from the celebration in 2009:

11 Oct 2011

Duduzwane Home

Duduzwane Home is a home for HIV infected children and adults in South Africa. Since some time many of the residents there come together to do OM Healing. Swami Vishwananda visited the home during his last visit to Johannesburg and connected with its people on a heart level.

The Duduzwane Home takes care of people who are HIV infected, provides them with medicine, helps with treatments and simply gives them a home.

With the help of Dhanam Jay (a devotee from SA) over the past few weeks, the Duduzwane residents recorded a heart-warming CD for Swami Vishwananda. The proceeds are entirely going towards the Duduzwane Home.
The CD can be ordered through order@bhaktishop.de
Price: 15,- € plus postage.

10 Oct 2011

Darshan with Swami Vishwananda at Shree Pitha Nilaya (2)

Some more pictures from the last Darshan that Bhakti Marga organised:
We have to apologize for the lack of sufficient space inside the tent. We have to ask everybody to register for Darshan. From now on we will check it at the entrance of the Darshan.

Bhaktimarga 's tombola

The winners of the Navaratri Tombola are:
First price: Archana und Gerald, UK, ticket number 41
Second price:: Hildegard from Aachen, Germany, Ticket number 19
Third price: Frantisek from Czech Republic, ticket number 3
90 tickets were purchased for the Navaratri Tombola. We thank each and every one for your participation!!!

9 Oct 2011

Darshan last night with Swami Vishwananda

Swami Vishwananda gave Darshan in the tent last night. A lot of people came and it was packed full, which made it a bit warm inside the tent, because the outside temperature was very low.
Swamiji Vishwananda sung some nice Bhajans and asked us in his speech "What is the most precious moment in life?"
He spoke then about the importance of being in the present moment.

4 Oct 2011

6th Navaratri night: Katyaayani Mata

Katyaayani is the sixth form of Devi Durga. Sage Katyaayan was the son of the great sage Kat. Sage Kattayan was born in the "Katya" clan. He was engaged in rigorous penance and worship of "Bhagavati Paramba". His prayer was all about requesting the mother to appear in his house-hold as his daughter. Mother Bhagavati obliged him. After some time, when the world was terrorized by Mahishasura, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva with their divine powers gave form to a Goddess to combat the asura and destroy him. Katyaayan was the first to worship her and that is why she is known as "Devi Katyaayani". It is mentioned in the Shastra that Katyaayani was born as the daughter of the sage Katyaayan. Taking birth on the fourteenth day of the new moon in Aashwin (September-October), she accepted the worship of the sage Katyaayan on Saptami, Astami and Navami and ultimately slew Mahishasura on Dashami. The deity‘s complexion is as bright as gold. She has four hands. The top right hand is positioned in a gesture of providing courage and the other hand is positioned in a gesture of rendering a boon. The top left hand is holding a sword and the other holding a lotus. The Goddess is mounted on a lion and she is worshiped on the sixth day of the Durga puja. If one worships the deity with a pure soul he attains success in religion, wealth, passion and salvation. Disease, sorrow and fear are eliminated. Worship of this deity helps one to emancipate himself from the sin he may have committed over the cycle of his births and rebirths. We should all devote our prayers to the mother to lead a better life.

Late in the evening there was the stick dance for those who were still full of energy.