28 Sept 2011

Swami Vishwananda performed Pitra Paksh in Springen

The ceremony was performed by Swami Vishwananda on behalf of all those who have passed away (deceased).  
For more pictures please go to:

25 Sept 2011

Swami Vishwananda gave a darshan in Prague

Nine hundred devotees went to the darshan of Swami Vishwananda in the big sports hall in Prague. Swami sang bajans and blessed each of the devotees.

Swami Vishwananda darshan in Prague

The programme with Swami Vishwananda in the darshan hall took eight hours. It was a nice evening with the people of the Czech Republic.
For more pictures of the darshan in Prague please go to:

24 Sept 2011

23 Sept 2011

Swami Vishwananda gave a darshan in Slovakia

Swami Vishwananda said" The inner journey is to introvert your mind so that the thoughts decrease and your consciousness awakens."
continue on : http://vishwananda-talks.blogspot.com/

Swami Vishwananda gave a Satsang in Belgrade

Swami Vishwananda said: "God gave you this life to attain Him. If you are to busy in the outer world, find during the day a little time to talk to Him. If you cannot during the day then, before to go to bed, offer to God what you did during the day and think of Him."

21 Sept 2011

Darshan with Swami Vishwananda

Swami Vishwananda talked about liberation: "Liberation is not a dissolution, not a disolvment, not the disparition of the identity. You transform yourself from the limited to the unlimited, from the ego to the absolute. When you rise above the mind you see that everything become equal. The consciousness awake when you detach yourself from the lower things. You realize that you are more than that.

Swami Vishwananda in München

  The soul is hidden very deep. The atma reveals his own aspect: it is the awakening from the soul and the light start to shine. You discover a new aspect of yourself which is unlimited.

20 Sept 2011

Swami Vishwananda gave a Satsang in Split

Swami Vishwananda said: "The soul has a reason to incarnate. The ultimate Goal of every living been is to attain the Divine. One way is to accept where God put you. If God puts you in a certain place, there is a reason for it. There is a reason why you are together with somebody. And there is also a reason why later you separate from this person. This is the law of Karma. "

19 Sept 2011

Swami Vishwananda about being non-judgemental

Once you attain the state of non-judgement then God will start to reveal Himself to you. The mind always wants to judge everything and everybody. When we love someone, there is no judgement, there is peace in mind. To love is the natural state of a personn.
For more of the talk of Swami Vishwananda please go to:

Swami Vishwananda gave a darshan in Croatia

In Split Swami Vishwananda received a very warm welcome from the Croatian people.

10 Sept 2011

Golden Hiranyagarbha Lingam

Sri Swami Vishwananda manifested the golden Hiranyagarbha Lingam in Kenya 8 pm / 9-9-11

8 Sept 2011


First Prize:

Swami has offered his personal altar cloth of his room!

Measurements: 115 cm x 105 cm

As you know the renovation of Swami’s international center “Shree Peetha Nilaya” in Springen needs further financial funds. Therefore the proceeds of this tombola will be used entirely towards completing the buildings in order to ensure their reopening as soon as possible.

Ticket Price: € 35,--

The draw will take place at the end of Navaratri on 6th of October 2011 in Springen.

2nd Prize

A lamp which Swami used in his room! (Size: 19cm)

3rd Prize

Three days stay during Maha Shivaratri 2012, from 18th to 21st of February 2012, in Swami’s Center in a single room with full board free of charge!

To participate:

You can purchase tickets either by:

Cash payment in the Bhakti Shop in the Center in Springen (Mataji Tusti) or

Ordering via e-mail and transfering € 35.-- per ticket. When cashed you will receive one or more ticket numbers via email.

Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:tombola@bhaktimarga.org" tombola@bhaktimarga.org

Please send emails in English or German.

Bank account

Account: Bhakti Event GmbH

Account Number: 200 282 891, Frankfurter Sparkasse

IBAN: DE295005 0201 0200282891


Reference: Tombola

Icon Painting Course

On September 23rd till 25th will be an Icon Painting Course with Jaahnvi.
For further Information please call Jaahnvi:
+49 (0)172 744 6610
or e-mail: jaahnvi@bhaktimarga.org

4 Sept 2011

"How to develop unconditional love ?" was asked to Swami Vishwananda

Swami Vishwananda answered: "You have to analyse yourself. When you analyse yourself, you see your qualities, your emotions, your thoughts. All these qualities, good or bad are not YOU. First you see the negative qualities and you realise that you have to change. If you don't change yourself, the nature will make it happen and sometimes the people change only after terrible experiences.In your analysing process, don't stay with the negativity, you have to go deeper in the forest. It is like a glass of water filled with water and dust. You cannot see through the glass. Day after day you put clean water inside. The dust from the bottom comes out and you think: it is worse as before. There are more dust as before. You have to persevere. Don't give up. Daily the dust is taken out through the adding of the clean water. At the end of the process, the dust is gone. Only the unconditional love stays. The heart shines outside with this unconditional love."

3 Sept 2011

Swami Vishwananda gave darshan in France near Bordeaux

It was a nice and joyfull ambiance under the big circus tent installed in the country land. Swami Vishwananda spoke in French about love and mind-control to advance on the spiritual way.

2 Sept 2011

Swami Vishwananda spoke upon Ganesha Chaturthi

Today for Ganesha Chaturthi, Swami Vishwananda explained the importance of Ganesha in the spiritual path. Ganesha removes the obstacles and brings the true seeker to the Divine Light.