22 May 2011

Greetings from Swamiji

We just received the following email from Yamunashree*, which we would like to share with you all:
Jai Gurudev Dear All - SHALOM! many greetings from Swamiji on the way from Bethlehem now to Galilee to the Baptism this afternoon! Everything runs well - the group is nice and we have an intensive time together!! We all give you our greetings and Love

Sea of Galilee
"Skyline" of Bethlehem
* Yamunashree organises external events with Swamiji, such as this pilgrimage to Israel

18 May 2011

Visiting the Golgotha where Jesus Christ was crucified.

On both sides of the altar you see the golgotha rock. Under the altar you can put your hand inside the square hole where the cross was fixed in the rock.

6 May 2011

Swami Vishwananda gave Shaktipat to the Atmakriya group

In Moscow  the 4th of May Swami Vishwananda began with the blessing of the new Atma Kriya people.

5 May 2011

Satsang of Swami Vishwananda

After the Shaktipat Swami Vishwananda gave a satsang with the Atma Kriya group.

Swami Vishwananda gave also a satsang to the Belarussian people

How nice it would have been to have a darshan in Bellarussia with such nice people.

Short satsang of Swami Vishwananda

The Ekaterinburg people from the Ural region had also a satsang with Swami Vishwananda.

4 May 2011

Darshan with Swami Vishwananda

After the Satsangs Swami Vishwanandaji gave a discourse about love and began at 6:00 PM the darshan.

Darshan of Swami Vishwananda

The baby Alexander was enjoying also the darshan with many others.

Anastasia Baby was happy in the arm of Swami Vishwananda.

Anastasia got a big tilak and a red dot. The darshan went on during nine hours to finish at 3:00 AM.