29 Nov 2010

Same procedure as last year...:

Dear devotees,

Swamiji asks also this Christmas not to offer him any personal gifts.

Those who still would like to give him something, could contribute for  furnishings for his household:
Two cupboards for robes and personal belongings and a window shader for his kitchen window.

Please transfer with remark “X-MAS Swami Vishwananda” to:

Bhakti Marga Orden Deutschland e.V.,
Bankleitzahl (BLZ) 50050201, Kontonummer: 200300016
IBAN: DE53 5005 0201 0200 3000 16

(in german: http://vishwananda-de.blogspot.com/)

27 Nov 2010

A new german page on the web on Swami Vishwananda -

Eine neue Seite auf Deutsch zu Darshans von Sri Swami Vishwananda ist jetzt online.


26 Nov 2010

A new orange press machine for Swami Vishwananda

Yesterday, I went to buy an orange press machine because the old one was broken (  or I broke it,  Swami often says  “Pepe everything you touch you break !” I sometimes wonder, it  seems like a curse.)
So I went to Mediamarkt in the morning, the hall was quite empty. Looking through all these long corridors with computers, printers, coffee machines and hoovers, I  found where the orange press machines were. Looking at  each one, I did not know which one to take, the prices were about 40 Euros, the choice was not so big and I was not sure which one to buy. All of a sudden,  a woman came also looking  on the same shelf as me.
I asked her: “are you also looking for an orange press  machine?” “Yes” she said. Looking  at all of them, she said: “The best one is from Braun, it costs 30 Euros. It is not here.”  Then she went. I looked at the machines again, looked at the woman again but she was nowhere to be seen. The big corridor was empty.
On the way back to Springen, I went to the “Haushalt” shop in the next village of Bad Schwalbach.
They had only one Juice press, from Braun for 30 Euros!
Who was this woman?

Swami Vishwananda on Twitter

Since a couple of days Swamiji is on Twitter (click!) and is happily "twittering" !!! So nice! He is reporting from Lanzarote and the cave in which they meditated yesterday Open an account with Twitter and register as a "follower" with "vishwananda" to receive regular short updates!
It's fun!

25 Nov 2010

Babaji's Commemoration Day

Here a  short piece that Swami said last year on the occasion of Babaji’s Day:

"...Today we are celebrating Babaji’s day. Who knows what it is today?
[Pritala is answering] Today we celebrate the decision of Mahavatar Babaji to stay on Earth.
You see, Babaji wanted to leave this planet. Then his sister interceded, and said: “It doesn’t make any difference for you whether you are there or here. So why don’t you stay?”.

Actually it’s on this day, 1800 years ago - plus some years - that he chose to live and immortalized himself here in this world. So that’s what we are commemorating today. It’s like a renewal that he will always be here  to help humanity whenever it’s needed. So it’s time now for the changes to happen. It’s time that humanity calls upon him and receives his help. Whether humanity calls him or not, he will help. But  it’s a nice gesture from us to do so."

(If you come, please register and bring a warm blanket...)

24 Nov 2010

Swami Vishwananda is in Lanzarote

The nature is so nice in the Canarian islands...

23 Nov 2010

Swami VishwanandaTombola drawing

On November 14 the 5th  Danya Lakshmi Tombola drawing took place:
1.      Price (Swamiji´s socks): Patrizia (I)
2.      Price (T-Shirt from Swami) :  Ratnadevi
3.      Price (CD to choose): Shankari (I)
4.      Price (book): Dayakari (D)
5.      Price (book): Niranjana (I)

New price for the next drawing December 13th  
  1. Price: Swamiji´s bangles made with 3 metals
(which he bought and wore during his last pilgrimage to India)
  1. Price: T-Shirt from Swami
  2. Price: DVD to o choose
  3. and 5. price: handsigned book from Swami
On 13th Dec. the drawing of the 3-month-Superprice takes place (baptism shirt from Swamiji which he wore during baptism in lake Ganezareth, Israel 2009)

You can purchase the tickets, 32 Euro each, in our Bhakti Shop, with  Dakshini or online: Please transfer with remark ´tombola` to: Bhakti Event GmbH, Frankfurter Sparkasse, Konto 200282891, BLZ 500 502 01, IBAN: DE295005 0201 0200282891, BIC: FRASDEFFXXX and send an e-mail (please in english) to tombola@bhaktimarga.org

Darshan in Lanzarote

If you happen to be in Lanzarote right now, come to Darshan, to see Swamiji and get his blessings!

20 Nov 2010

Oil is manifesting under the frame of the picture of the feet of Swami Vishwananda

In München after the visit of Swami Vishwananda to a devotee, holy pictures are manifesting oil.

After Swami Vishwananda visit in München Oil flowing from holy pictures

Oil began to flow inside the glass from a picture of Shirdi Sai Baba.

16 Nov 2010

New Calendar

Our first own Calendar is ready!
There are 24 pages, 12 Pictuers. For every month of the year 2011 there is a christian-orthodox and a hindu Calendar. The most importand Feastdays are selected by Swamiji and there is also a explanation for them. ( 12,-€ for 24 pages, 12 Pictuers, size 21cm/42cm. To order please klick here or send a mail to:  order@bhaktishop.de)

15 Nov 2010

St. Martin

Last week in the Chapel during a prayer to St. Martin.

12 Nov 2010

11 Nov 2010

Prasad Book

The Sanskrit word "Prasada" translated means: "the grace of the Divine" - and it is this that we can attain by partaking of food first offered to God. But before one can recive this grace through God offered food, someone must prepare it. And it is this step that this small booklet attemps to deal with!
38 Pages, a lot of coloured pictures, 12,-€ (e-mail: order@bhaktishop.de)

10 Nov 2010

Two very interested horses

A while ago Swami Vishwananda held a Yagna in the countryside. Nearby there was two horses which observed the whole ceremony very interested. So, when Swamiji was finished with the ceremony, he went to visit them, and they really, really welcomed him with joy!

9 Nov 2010

Darshan in Munich

Last weekend Swami Vishwananda hold a Darshan in Munic:
First he made a small meditation in wich he asked everybody to question themselves "who I am"
In his speach he spoke about the judgement of our mind ... that God is the player of all this games here on earth-

5 Nov 2010

Happy Diwali !

This man has not a easy job this night:

A little Youtube Video:
How to celebrate Diwali

4 Nov 2010

Lakshmi Puja last night

Swamiji was opening the Ceremony last night-
but after a time he went in the back of the Temple because of his cold and he still has no voice
Durgvati performed a "Gurudeva" Bhajan
...and Swamiji had fun.

3 Nov 2010

Dhanteras Lakshmi Puja

This night Swami Vishwananda celebrates the Dhanteras Lakshmi Prayer -
Wednesday, November 3 2010, 19:00

“We ask Maha Lakshmi to bestow Her grace not only on all of us, but on everybody who needs Her help in whatever way. To bestow Her wealth of health to people who are sick, to shine forth Her light, so that our intellect is pure and help everybody who needs help.”

Lakshmi Puja with Sri Swami Vishwananda
Where: Shree Peetha Nilaya, Springen, Germany
Starts: 19:00

The Legend:
An interesting story about Dhanteras Festival says that once the sixteen year old son of King Hima was doomed to die by a snike-bite on the fourth day of his marriageas per his horoskope. On that particular fourth day of his marriage his young wife did not allow him to sleep. She laid all the ornaments and lots of silver coins in a big heap at the entrance of her husband's boudoir and lighted innumerable lamps all over the place. And she went on telling stories and singing songs.
When Yama, the god of Death arrived there in the guise of a Serpent his eyes got blinded by that dazzle of those brilliant lights and he could not enter the Prince's chamber. So he climbed on top of the heap of the ornaments and coins and sat there whole night listening to the melodious songs. In the morning he quietly went away. Thus the young wife saved her husband from the clutches of death. Since then this day of Dhanteras came to be known as the day of "Yamadeepdaan" and lamps are kept burning throughout the night in reverential adoration to Yama, the god of Death.

According to another popular legend, when the gods and demons churned the ocean forAmrita or nectar, Dhanvantari (the physician of the gods and an incarnation of Vishnu) emerged carrying a jar of theelexir on the day of Dhanteras.

2 Nov 2010

Swamiji is back

This morning, very early, Swami Vishwananda arrived back home from his India trip-

A bit tired and with a very deep voice (he has a cold) he came into the office and we showed him the calendar with nice photos for 2011. He made some corrections and added some things and now we let it print. Soon it will be available in the shop. (I will mention it here)